The Love Of My Life

The Love Of My Life

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 7.... Fireplace

Well here we are at day 7. I have gone a full week without missing a post. We shall see how long I can keep this going before the girls get here. Today I have cleaned, done laundry, napped, and now i'm making lasagna for dinner. My husband and Jadon just made our first fire in the fireplace since being in our new home. Hopefully it will warm the place up a little bit. I had to turn the heat on earlier today because I was FREEZING!! It was 62 degrees in our house. OUCH!  My in-laws will be here tomorrow. We are pretty excited about that!! Some friends will be here shortly to enjoy dinner with us and watch a movie. Little man is playing in his playroom and im just writing my blog =)

Big news for the day: Bank of America by Tj Maxx was robbed. YIKES!

My boys sitting in front of the fireplace watching it grow 
(bad pic b/c it was taken with the phone)

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