The Love Of My Life

The Love Of My Life

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5....

You know when you're little and you always play house, or you dream of playing house. And being a mommy, having a husband, cooking dinner washing clothes..... the whole nine yards. Well can I just say it's much funner as an adult when you actually get to do it and its real and not pretend!

This morning I woke up and fixed breakfast for my loves, finished all the laundry and cleaned the kitchen. Anthony then helped Jadon clean up his play room and show him how and where to put all his toys.

Then the contractions began. I wasn't really sure what it was at first. I was having some pretty sharp pains in my stomach. Almost like period cramps to the max. We decided to wait them out to see if they would stop before making any decisions to go see the dr. They eventually went away and things were fine.

We took Jadon to the park and he had a good time. No other kids were there so he probably felt lonely playing by himself. I will really be excited when the girls are old enough for him to play with. He definitely needs some buddies.

We have also been trying to potty train Jadon, but not pushing it because when he's ready he will do it. Well he told Anthony that he needed to poop so we put him on the potty and sure enough, he went! lol He compares himself to my parents dog Tebow. He says "look! like tebow!" lol Also any time he hurts himself he will say that Tebow did it. Even when we arent at my parents house. So I can only imagine how much trouble he will try and get the girls in =)

Finally Jadon is back on his normal routine. Its amazing that when we are in our own place he listens sooooo much better! All we have to do is say "ok its time for bed" and he goes without arguing. (Unless friends are over of course lol)  But it has definitely been a burden lifted off of Anthony and I by finally getting our own place again.

Tonight its raining and its been really peaceful with no plans and getting to spend time together. Jadon is in his playroom and Anthony is in the kitchen fixing steak and pasta. Then we are gonna watch a couple of movies =)

Funny words for the day: Jadon "Mommy look" (I didnt respond) "BRITTANY LOOK" lol
Anytime I dont answer he then refers to me as Baby or Brittany to get my attention. LOL

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