The Love Of My Life

The Love Of My Life

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 32.... February!!

Well folks it's finally february! Lots of exciting things happening this month!!  My sister is having her 1st baby in a few weeks... My husband and I will celebrate our 1st valentines day... He will be on the road so we wont really be together... Everyday is like valentines day though so i'm not really missing out.  Also on the 17th it will be a year that we have been together (sure doesnt seem like it!!).
My baby shower is this weekend and i'm really excited to see everyone. 
Our babies will be here next month and also it will be a year since my husband and I got engaged... Lots of celebrating these next couple months!! I'm sooo excited! 
Tonight I watched the kiddos at church and right now Anthony is cooking dinner and Jadon is watching Elmo.
I cant believe how fast last year flew by!! I really hope that this year decides to take its time and slow down a little bit.

Welp here's a pic of my hubby and I..... YAY HE'S HOME!!!

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