The Love Of My Life

The Love Of My Life

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 43.... Baked goodies

Well this morning we woke up and went to the air show in deland... Total waste of money if you ask me. I actually thought there would be REAL planes there. But to our surprise they were remote control planes. Jadon enjoyed it but Anthony and I were not huge fans.
Once we left I was having severe pressure and called my dr. I informed her of all of my symptoms I had been having since that morning and day prior and she told me to head to the hospital. They checked me out... No contractions, the heart beats were great.... I havent dilated yet either which is a good sign.  The outcome was that i was dehydrated and i was put on bed rest.  
While we were there a lady gave birth to twins and she was only 32 weeks. Both babies were almost 4lbs and the nurse said they were doing great. That makes me feel a little better knowing she was only a week ahead of me.  I just hope these babies stay in at least another 4 weeks... I dont want them to be stuck in the hospital for any reason!!
Tonight I finished all my goodies for the bake sale tomorrow at church. My peanut butter cookies broke, so I guess that means they have to stay here =) I was unable to get strawberries for my cakes b/c target didnt have any... so the strawberry syrup will have to do. They are VERY yummy.... We tested them out already ;)

They dont look very beautiful BUT looks can be deceiving ;)

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