The Love Of My Life

The Love Of My Life

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 86

My baby girls are finally home. Ava came home on march 22 and Lydia came home on march 24th.... Today they are 3 weeks old. We didnt even have Ava home 24 hours and Jadon kneed her in the head and we had to take her to the ER for a cat scan. Every thing turned out fine though. Both girls are eating every 3 to5 hours. Although last night both girls went 8 hours without eating and finally I just woke them up to feed them. Our girls are pretty laid back just like Jadon was. I hope it stays this way =) Today was their first sunday at church and they did very well!! My mother in-law is staying with me this week and she has been a huge help! We completely rearranged the kitchen, all the closets and the girls room.... Anthonys mom is really good at organizing things!! 

So other than that things are pretty good. I finally feel good after the surgery... Their is hardly even a scar. You would never know I had a c-section. The cellulitis around the incision is almost completely gone (PTL!).... 

We are settled in at home and enjoying every minute of it. Still hard to believe that we have 3 children!

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