The Love Of My Life

The Love Of My Life

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 71-73....

Saturday we checked out of the Ronald Mcdonald House. We visited with the girls all day. Came home that evening, Anthony rubbed my feet and I passed out.

Sunday morning Anthony left to go to Ga. That morning I was getting ready for church while Jadon was still sleeping. I was completely ready before he even woke up. Must have been due to the time change. Once Jadon woke up I got him dressed and ready to go. While I was getting my bags packed to bring to the hospital later Jadon was in the living room (I thought he had put a movie in b/c he was being so quiet). I walk out into the dining room and Jadon has a black permanent marker scribbling all over our kitchen table. This occurred right as we needed to be walking out of the door to go to church. I held my composure and didn't get upset, beings that we only paid $50 for the table at a yard sale. I explained how he needed to not do those sorts of things and that daddy will be very upset when he sees it. So then we left for church. I tried dropping him off in his classroom but he broke down and started crying (like every other time I drop him off). But since things have been so hectic and such an emotional roller coaster this past week, I felt really bad leaving him. So I took him into service with me. Of course with him being only 2 he lasted through worship then he was ready to play. So we had to leave. 
We went to the hospital to visit with the girls. Not even 5 minutes of being there he takes a pencil to the hospital floor. I cleaned it up and sat him in time out. I just didnt understand why he was behaving this way b/c he never does stuff like that. Then my mom, g-ma and aunt came up to visit. While they were there Jadon took a crayon to the hospital wall.  Now I'm thinking he is acting out b/c he has 2 new sisters that are getting all the attention. He was completely out of control that day! 
Today, Monday, Jadon and I slept in. When we woke up I wasn't feeling very great. Later this afternoon I decided I couldnt take it any longer and had to go see the girls. I took jadon to my g-mas so she could keep him while I went to the hospital. My grand parents took him to the mall and let him play and he really enjoyed it. All evening he has been asking where "Branma" & Moo Pop are. 

Update on the girls:
Lydia was placed back in her isolet b/c she was unable to keep her body temp up.
In order to go home right now the goal is to get into an open crib and maintain a good body temp and to eat on their own and gain weight. The girls get sooo sleepy and worn out from eating that when its time for their next feeding they just want to sleep.

Something cool:
This morning I thought about asking if I could bring a radio up to the hospital and play christian music for the girls.... Well when I walked into the hospital room this afternoon the nurse had the computer in their room on with z88.3 playing for them! How neat was that!  Come to find out their nurse goes to Northland Church... She shared many stories with me today about her experiences working at the hospital and things they see with children. Some of the stories were just heartbreaking! Its so good to know that a lady with such a kind and soft spirit was taking care of our girls. Every nurse we have had has been sooooo wonderful! Everytime I call to get an update they are so nice and tell me how much they just love the girls. Even when we have Jadon with us the nurses will play with him and color while we are holding the girls. The nurses have really made it easy on us and we are so thankful! We know that God has not forgotten about us, b/c even at the hospital he is there!

Beautiful Ava
Beautiful Lydia
(she was PASSED out!!)


  1. Your stories always make me cry ;) I'm so happy for you and excited about how God continues to work in your life. Can't wait to meet those girls!

  2. OK...tear! Love you girl! So proud of you!
