The Love Of My Life

The Love Of My Life

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 5 of fast....

So it's 5 days into our fast and things are good! I thought that doing the Daniel Fast would be pretty difficult but it actually hasn't been. My husband... well that may be another story. We used to eat meat EVERY night. I'm kinda enjoying the break of no meat. I don't feel so sleepy, my headaches have gone "bye-bye", i don't feel hungry all the time.... It's just been a really good change. I am excited to see what God is going to do the rest of this fast.

Last night in our women's group "Ignite" we had a life coach come and speak. Something she said really stuck out to me. She said "Sift through the dirt because there might be a diamond" and another thing that caught my attention was "Don't settle but accept."  So many times we are caught complaining about our circumstances, wishing things were different or maybe even better. By complaining or even feeling sorry for ourselves we are missing the point! 

God had called us into this season for a purpose greater than we think or know. Yea, your job situation may suck but why are you there? Why did God allow you to get this job? How will you allow God to use you at your job? Maybe you are a stay at home mom like myself. Do I find my self complaining about it? Yes. Sometimes I miss the reason of why I stay at home. #1 My kids need me. #2 At the moment me staying home  is saving us about $1,800.00 a month in childcare expenses (not to mention gas to and from, clothes, lunch, supplies, etc. for school).... I don't always enjoy being cooped up in the house but in reality what a blessing it is that God has allowed me to be able to stay home and care for my children. 

We (my self included) spend so much time complaining about our situation instead of being thankful. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices and realize what truly matters. My pastor said something last sunday that hit me like a ton of bricks... (paraphrasing of course) He asked if we were giving 30 days to live what would we get rid of, what would we do, and how would we start living our lives... Well friends, we aren't even guaranteed tomorrow. It kind of put things in perspective for me... What do I have right now that I can live with out (GET RID OF IT).... What would I do if I were given 30 days to live and how would I treat others around me (START DOING IT NOW).... How would I treat my spouse if he was given 30 days to live? Would I treat him different than how I do now? If so, I better start treating him a little better, showing more affection, giving him more of my time, etc.  Enjoy life while you have it. Tomorrow doesn't matter because we aren't promised tomorrow. 

We spend so much time worrying about how we will pay the next bill or how we are going to eat our next meal or what we will where.... Stop wasting your time on worrying about things that God has already promised you. He takes care of his children. What ever you ask for in prayer and have FAITH that God will answer it, HE WILL. God knows your need. He is never late on answering your needs (different than your wants), He is right on time.  

Friends be encouraged and stop worrying about the things that really don't matter. When you leave this world everything you have here will be left behind. What's really important to you? Embrace your loved ones because your never promised tomorrow.


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