The Love Of My Life

The Love Of My Life

Monday, January 16, 2012

1st time in snow, fasting, kids growing....

Since my last post not much has happened. Our kids played in snow for the first time. It wasn't real snow from the sky, but it was snow! We went to Stone Mountain Park which is called "Snow Mountain" during the winter. Jadon had a BLAST! He went tubing and loved it. The girls pretty much just ate the snow the whole time LOL.

Our church is doing a thing called New thru 30. It's reading the New Testament all the way through in 30 days.... Can I just tell you that when you set a side time and have a plan to get something done, the enemy comes in to steal, kill, and destroy.... Especially when you are doing something to better your self and your relationship with God. I am a little behind on the reading right now... Only about 10 chapters (which is a days worth)... not too bad. I will get caught up during the kids nap time today and then finish todays reading tonight (HOPEFULLY). The enemy has a way of coming in and snatching your time away.... You get distracted and think of everything else that needs to get done at that time. Well I will push through, get myself caught up and stay focused.

Our church also started a 21 day fast on Sunday. My husband and I chose to do the Daniel Fast. This is our first time fasting together as a married couple. I know that God is going to do great things in our marriage. And I know that because Satan is hard on our backs daily. It's funny because things that Anthony and I experience at home, our pastor talks about that the following Sunday at church. We look at each other and laugh because we know we just had that happen to us and then our Pastor gives insight on the issue.  I pray that during these 21 days that God will just strengthen us as a couple, as parents, and as believers. I pray that he would humble us and mold us into the people that he has called us to be. Everything else will fall into place after that. 

Our kids are growing and getting so big. Jadon will be 4 this year and can start VPK. Our girls are 10 months old... I can't believe that in 2 months they will be a year old. Seriously, where did the time go? It's so crazy seeing 2 babies crawling around the floor and Jadon following right behind them laughing and playing with them... It just feels like a dream that I have 3 children already... It's still hard for even myself to believe!

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