The Love Of My Life

The Love Of My Life

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 121....

 This morning I worked in the nursery at church. We only had 2 kids besides my 2 so it was fairly easy!! After church we came home and took a nap.... the girls have been really demanding lately... it seems like every time I turn around someone needs fed.  I realize this is part of parenting but when im alone and have no help its kind of difficult. I just need a break. I really need to just get away with just Anthony and I.  Really looking forward to my mother-in-law getting back into the states b/c she will be getting a phone call =)..... Having 3 children under 3 yrs old is really draining sometimes. All 3 kids need my love and attention. Jadon especially.  When 2 kids are content usually the 3rd one is needing something... Its honestly a 24 hour job. I love being a mom. Probably one of the greatest rewards EVER! I'm just needing a break. That's All.

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